Dog of the Day
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Dog of the Day
Today's Dog of the Day
Barley the Shar-Pei, German Shepherd mix, the Dog of the Day
Name: Earl
Age: Ten months old
Gender: Female Breed: Shar-Pei, German Shepherd mix
Home: Oakland, California, USA
      We got Barley from the animal shelter. We like to say she's a Shar-Shep-Pei. She is a great dog who knows lots of tricks. She likes to herd other dogs - the German Shepherd side of her gene pool coming out - which confuses some dogs, but they usually comply! Her energy and enthusiasm is contagious.

     She also like to find puddles and coat herself in mud, which we get to clean up. She growls and sounds like Marge Simpson when she obviously wants to talk to us. It's pretty funny, and adorable all at once! She's smart, and pretty tolerant - even wore her scarf for this picture! Barley keeps us guessing - and laughing - every day. We love our silly gold girl!

Barley the Shar-Pei, German Shepherd mix, the Dog of the Day

Talk about Barley in Pet Talk!

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