Name: |
Tinker Bell
Age: |
Seven years old
Gender: |
Female |
Breed: |
Bichon Frise
Home: |
Pawtucket, Rhode Island, USA |
I first met Tinker Bell when she was eight weeks old. I had just lost my dog at age 14 1/2 and the house was so empty, I needed to fill that void with another dog. My friend was a breeder of Bichon Frise and she told me to come over she had three little ones available. I picked up the white ball of fur and loved that she cuddled. I put in the play area while I picked up her brothers. The whole time I walked around with the boys and talking to my friend the little girl in the play area followed me and just sat and watch me. When Charleen told me to look down I knew she was the one. We always say she picked out me. Since my Mom could not come with me to pick her out I let her name the new baby and she came up with Tinker Bell which really has fit her.
Since my Mom used a walker and wheelchair, I felt Tinker Bell needed to be trained and we started lesson when she was five months old. The first trainer asked if I was going to make her a therapy dog, she felt that she would be perfect for it. I didn't think much of it until the intermediate trainer asked me the same thing. I knew then I had a special dog.
Tinker Bell past her Canine Good Citizens test at one and a half years old, and was licensed with the Bright and Beautiful Therapy Group the next month. I started taking her to local nursing homes where she brought joy to the residents. I called our library and asked if they would like a reading dog. I had read that children loved reading to dogs because the dogs didn't judge them. Tink went for her interview. The librarian loved her and wanted to test her. He had a little girl sit on the floor and read to her. Tink just laid there and looked at the girl. When she was done I told Tink to give her a kiss because she did so good and Tink did, the girl got up and ran for another book and Tink was hired. She now does three programs at the library one for story time where she dresses up in costume according to what story is being read, she still does the reading program and has just started a story time program with Autistic children. She has worked in nursing home, hospital, and at group presentation and special events and loves every minute of it.
Three years ago I added another dog to our house and Tink has been a perfect big sister to little Wendy. They often work together.
Tinker Bell is just pure love, patients and sweetness rolled up in a perfect 16lb dog. She has won many awards for dressing her costumes and her personality and it a mini celebrity in her home town. She has won the best kisser award four years in a roll at a local shelter fundraiser. I always say Tink has never met a face she didn't like.
She currently holds the AKC Title, Therapy dog Excellent for working over 200 hours and is only a few hours short of earning her title for reaching the 400 hour mark.
She is my shadow and I love her. I would be lost with out her and her sister.