Dog of the Day
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Dog of the Day
Today's Dog of the Day
Holly the Shih-Tzu, Maltese mix, the Dog of the Day
Name: Holly
Age: Seven years old
Gender: Female Breed: Shih-Tzu, Maltese mix
Home: Coronado, California, USA
      Holly has many names - officially she is Holly Jennifer Haley, but she is also known as Holls, Hers, Hers-bers, Holly the Puppy, Little Miss Gonna Bite (she would NEVER; it's an ironic nickname), Stinky Bear, and many more.

     Holly is the sweetest dog, and she loves people. If you see her on the street and say hello, she'll instantly get on her tummy so that you can give her rubs. She loves my mom Elena, who she knows as Mommy. You know my mom's not home when Holly's downstairs waiting by the door. Whenever she gets home, she gets super excited and follows her wherever she goes. Once, she was put in a situation where she assumed that my mom was going away forever (she watched my mom leave our house while I took her on a walk), and she proceeded to whine for almost two straight hours, if not three. She was our 2015 Christmas present.

     She despises the mailman, little does she know that we moved next to the post office. She can often be found within the same room as my mom, often times on my mom's bed resting het head on my mom's leg. She is obsessed with socks, and has this ritual where she comes up to my room to retrieve one, and then runs back downstairs whining with it in her mouth. She will then walk into my mom's room, have my mom put her on her bed, and then she will proceed to attempt to bury it by digging into the covers. I

Holly the Shih-Tzu, Maltese mix, the Dog of the Day Holly the Shih-Tzu, Maltese mix, the Dog of the Day Holly the Shih-Tzu, Maltese mix, the Dog of the Day

Talk about Holly in Pet Talk!

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