Dog of the Day
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Dog of the Day
Today's Dog of the Day
Rocky the Pitbull, Rottweiler mix, the Dog of the Day
Name: Rocky
Age: Three years old
Gender: Male Breed: Pitbull, Rottweiler mix
Home: Olmsted, Ilinois, USA
      Let me introduce to you my best friend - Rocky. I consider him my best friend because he's always there for me, whether I'm happy, upset, sad or frustrated - Rocky is there to make me smile. He's an awesome dog who is very very smart. We start out our day by me getting ready for work as he patiently waits for me to get dressed and take him for his morning walk. After our walk he gives me kisses goodbye til I come home around 6 pm. That's right, he goes 9-10 hours every day with no potty accidents in the house. I do not crate Rocky as I never have and he never tears up anything or chews on anything. He might un-make my bed (lol), but that's about it.

     When I come home he's so happy and anxious to see me, we go for another walk. These walks are beneficial for us both as I have fibromyalgia and arthritis, so he's my walking buddy. After our walk we come in and he's ready for supper. So I fix him supper and we spend the next couple hours enjoying each other's company. He sleeps every night at the foot of my bed, he goes with me EVERYWHERE - except work. When I was first diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis, I could not leave the house and some days could not get out of bed - Rocky was there for me. When I'm in pain or even have pain while I'm sleeping, Rocky knows when I'm hurting and comforts me with his never ending kisses. When I was going through a painful divorce - Rocky was there for me. He's very loyal and super protective of me and our house and my truck. I could not ask for a better BEST FRIEND!! I live alone and I have never once felt like I was not safe as long as I have my Rocky. I love my Rocky unconditionally!!!!

Rocky the Pitbull, Rottweiler mix, the Dog of the Day

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