Dog of the Day
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Dog of the Day
Today's Dog of the Day
Eppa, the Redbone Hound Dog of the Day
Name: Eppa
Age: Two years old
Gender: Female Breed: Redbone Hound
Home: Nova Scotia, Canada
   I got Eppa when she was 9 months old, and I became her third owner. I didn't adopt her, though, I bought her from the farmer that had her in his barn. She was living in a stall on his farm. All her ribs busting out of her poor, thin sides, and yet she was too scared to take food from my hand. I just could not leave her there! She was terrified of people for months.

    Now she is a happy, bouncy hound that tries to make friends with every kitty she "meets!" She likes to chase bunny rabbits and most anything else in the woods. She is still shy around strangers, but loves people once she gets to know them.

    She used to love to fetch, which is rare for a hound, 'til her hip started bothering her. But she does it in typical Hound dog style ... very loudly! LOL She knows Paw, Sit pretty and Find It. Once she knows a person she does paw and sit pretty without being asked and over and over in hopes that she will milk treats out of the new person. Once she has gotten to know a person, she does not like strangers making sudden moves toward them. It is as though she values friends more, having had bad experiences with people, the ones she likes are instantly part of her pack and are to be watched out for:)!

Eppa, the Redbone Hound  Dog of the Day
Eppa, the Redbone Hound  Dog of the Day
Eppa, the Redbone Hound  Dog of the Day

Talk about Eppa in Pet Talk!

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