Dog of the Day

April 18, 2001

Today's Dog
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Honey, the Dog of the Day
Name: Honey
Age: Fourteen years old
Gender: Female Breed: Siberian Husky
Home: Burbank, California, USA
   Honey has been my friend and constant companion for nearly fifteen years. I'll never forget when she was only six weeks old, how she leapt out of my hands and tried to climb a tree to get to a parrot, then she ran out of the pet store and down the mall. It took three of us to catch her. Then, when we finally did she pulled on my mustache and I felt my heart start pounding and my head started spinning. I was in love with her - boy did I have it bad. Since then she's been with me through many houses, cities, jobs and good times and bad. Throughout it all her love and companionship has remained constant, she truly is an anchor in my life. Her trademark "singing" when I come home from work sometimes is the only thing that can put a smile back on my face.

    Early on, Honey was, to put it kindly, a "handful". She had terrible wander-lust - she could easily escape a maximum security prison. She also had a passion for destroying things around the house, even computers and upholstery. Just look at her face - how long could anyone be angry at her?! Now that she's older she doesn't run away anymore, or destroy things. Instead she sleeps a lot. She acts as an example to her dog pals (Including Aurora, a former Dog of the Day) periodically doling out discipline when they get out of hand. She still goes on walks twice a day even though her rear end is getting a bit stiff. The message is clear that our remaining time with her is short - after all, she's almost 15 and our vet says Huskies only live to be about 12 or 13! So we look at this time as a special gift, and we're devoted to giving her the best possible care, food, and comfort. She deserves the best since she's given us so much pleasure for so many wonderful years. I love my Honey.

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