Dog of the Day
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Dog of the Day
Today's Dog of the Day
Dogtor, the Dog of the Day
Name: Dogtor
Age: Thirteen weeks old
Gender: Male Breed: Saint Bernard
Home: Tennessee, USA
   This is my handsome boy Dogtor, the purebred Saint Bernard, who we call "Tor" for short. He is thirteen weeks old and quite the smart cookie! Tor enjoys learning new tricks and commands, always catching onto them quickly. He has a teddy bear he sleeps with, which is generally his constant companion, though he has equal love for his ropes and ball.

    When outside, he picks clover to lay in and stays still when pictures are taken of him. He refuses to take his indoor toys outside, much preferring a nice stick to chew on. Tor is curious about new smells and spends a lot of time when outdoors sniffing the ground, always searching for something neat.

    Friendly and enthusiastic, he makes new friends easily - dogs or humans. He has a variety of people and pups that he loves to see. He loves to run around the yard with his dog friends and generally ends up rolling around with them.

    My husband and I fell in love with him the moment we saw him. Upon spending time with him, we were impressed at what an excellent demeanor he had and adored his clumsiness. He has been a wonderful addition to our family.

Dogtor, the Dog of the Day
See more images of Dogtor!
Dogtor, the Dog of the Day
Dogtor, the Dog of the Day
Dogtor, the Dog of the Day

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