Name: |
Age: |
Four and a half years old
Gender: |
Female |
Breed: |
Schnauzer mix
Home: |
Sarasota, Florida, USA |
had lost my best friend, a pitbull/chow of eighteen years. I had never been
without a dog in my life ! and was going to take time to find the correct
"replacement." I know Facebook can be so negative at times, but this time was
the destiny of me finding my little rescue. She was sitting on a porch for two
days. No one knew where she came from but finally the group of great rescue
workers took her to the vet, She was microchipped and so the girls called the
owner, She did not want her! In the meantime, I was just checking my daily
animal pages, and this face came into my view, she took my heart for
whatever reason, I am used to larger dogs, and now cannot have the larger
breeds where I live. It took me two years to decide on my new pal, but found
her no doubt ! She has her own FB page, LUCY, MY ROCK'IN RESCUE. She is my best friend for sure
and loves to give kisses galore, I am sure they are thank you kisses.
Lucy was a bit shy when I got her. but I must say she is the smartest dog I
have ever had, She will sit up in my arms like a human, and turn around and
just stare at me. She just seems to understand, so much it is scary! Of
course then we have a conversation. lol She does do her little twirls when
she is to get rewarded. She will go and go and go... she never stops until I
give her the treat. Even from day one with me, she has always slept all
night long. Never needing out, never giving me the first sign to go out. She
cuddles on my back, as she has a favorite spot in the bed. For a seventeen pound (7.7kg) dog,
she sure does sleep anywhere she wants in the bed. She trusts me completely,
I know that feel from always having animals. She is loud when little white
dogs approach. No idea why ! When you tell her to go get her kitty, (well she
has three kitties), and each are different, but all kitties, she gets them! Her
best friend is a neighbor male miniature pincher called Rascal, and theirs is
definitely a love affair. And if she is not in the mood to get photographed,
her face tells it all! (I do pet photography on metal as a business on the
side.) She may not do a lot that is special to anyone else, but she is very
special to me.
Everyone loves her!
