Dog of the Day
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Dog of the Day
Today's Dog of the Day
Tank, the Dog of the Day
Name: Tank
Age: Five years old
Gender: Male Breed: Pit Bull, Boxer mix
Home: USA
   When Tank (also called Tankers) first arrived at my house, my whole family was a bit wary about keeping him because of the 'pit bulls are aggressive and aren't good family dogs' idea floating around. Well, we were soon proved wrong. Tank is the nicest dog you will ever meet, and does well with other pets, children, you name it. He has a gentle heart, despite his 'bigger' appearance.

    Tank came from a place in California called Burney, which is about sixty-seven miles from where I live, and he came here on foot! We got Tank off of the internet, and the man we got him from said he was a Labrador mix, which none of my family really believed. To this day, nobody is really sure what breed of dog Tank is exactly. And it really does not matter!

    Tank is now family to me, and he always will stay here in my home. I will love him, and his smile, forever.

Tank, the Dog of the Day
Tank, the Dog of the Day

Talk about today's dog in Pet Talk!

Krum the French Bulldog Kyzack Mawdsley the Alaskan Malamute Oogie the Labrador mix Esaul the Bernese Mountain Dog Neela the Dachshund, Black Lab River the Golden Retriever mix Bruce the French Bulldog Diez the Australian Shepherd
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