Name: |
Ben Hur
Age: |
Seven years old
Gender: |
Male |
Breed: |
Shetland Sheepdog
Home: |
Tampa, Florida, USA |
is Ben Hur, or Benny as we call him most of the time. We adopted Benny
from a Sheltie rescue in July after our other little boy of twelve years passed
away from cancer. Our little girl Candy was really depressed and missing her
big brother (and so was Mommy) so we decided she needed a new sibling.
Benny was abused and kept in a kennel outside and used for breeding. He
didn't have much human contact at all. When he was rescued most of his teeth
were broken or rotten and the Vet thought it was best to pull all of them.
His previous owners also surgically removed his vocal chords so he doesn't
have much of a bark either. Ben was terrified of people and would shake and
cower if we went anywhere near him, but he took to his new big sister
immediately and her to him.
Now after three months Benny is a Mommy's boy. He follows me everywhere and loves
to be picked up and snuggled and will fall asleep in my arms most evenings.
He meets us at the door when we come home with his tail wagging so hard his
whole little bottom shakes. He runs and plays in the yard with Candy and they
love each other a lot. He is starting to get better with his Daddy, but still
will not go to him, although he doesn't run away and hide from him anymore.
He is even getting more comfortable being around people. Again, he will not
go to anyone, but he doesn't run and hide like he did at first. Having no
teeth does not seem to bother him, he loves to eat and one of his favorite
treats is crushed ice.
I know in time we will be one big happy family and Ben will know that he has
found a forever home with a Mommy and Daddy who love him very much and will
do whatever they can to make the rest of his life happy and filled with joy.
