Name: |
Lily Solra
Age: |
One year old
Gender: |
Female |
Breed: |
Home: |
Portala, California, USA |
way she became a part of my family is one of the reasons shes so special!
My sister and I were wanTed a female dog, since we had two large males, and
my mother finally said yes but only if it was a baby Pitbull and if she
didn't have to buy her. 24 hours later, my mother comes home from work saying
how her co-worker had a friend whose Pitbull had just had a litter of
puppies. My sister and I instantly wanted one, as one always does when it
comes to puppies, and the woman was going to give them to the pound if they
didn't get families. We met the woman that day and saw the puppies. Lily was
the smallest and the woman said she may not have made it if she was sent to
the pound. She was the size of my hand, and believe me, that's saying
something. I got to name her Lily Solra.
My eldest dog, Ted, was actually scared of her when we put her down, he ran
away from her and she was always trying to play with him. He starTed ignoring
her, poor thing, and on the fifth picture you'll see what she did. Just sat
there and stared at him, for hours each day, and he couldn't ignore her much
longer after that, now their the cutest friends ever! Also she's obsessed
with her toys and acts like their her babies, and if we say, "Where's your
baby, Lily?" she runs and find a toy, plus she's a crazy poser when I take
out the camera! She's sweet and silly, why we call her Silly Lily, and she's
the weirdest emotional dog I've ever seen! If one of our other dogs is in
trouble she'll start wiggling and jumping around. Lily is my little angel and
also my little Camera dog! She's amazing and just what we needed in our
lives! She's made this home much happier!
