Dog of the Day
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Dog of the Day
Today's Dog of the Day
Ivy, the Dog of the Day
Name: Ivy
Age: Two years old
Gender: Female Breed: Miniature Poodle
Home: Mahlow, Germany
   My pet is a dog, she is a miniature poodle and her name is Ivy. She is two years old. Ivy is a small dog with reddish brown fluffy fur. She is full of energy and loves to run and play. My dog likes to play with her ball. I throw the ball and she brings it back to me. She can also leap amazingly high for a ball or even a stick!

   Ivy is always hungry and sometimes she begs for food, though we do feed her. She is a friendly dog. She sleeps in a little house at night. Sometimes she barks when she is frightened, so we are alerted to anything she considerers dangeorus! My poodle is a good friend and I love her very much.

Ivy, the Miniature Poodle Dog of the Day
Ivy, the Miniature Poodle Dog of the Day
Ivy, the Miniature Poodle  Dog of the Day
Ivy, the Miniature Poodle  Dog of the Day

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