Name: |
Age: |
Seven years old
Gender: |
Male |
Breed: |
Red nose Pitbull
Home: |
Wisconsin, USA |
Dank is an amazing dog. I've had Dank since he was eight weeks old and he's been the best friend I've ever had. My passion is taking pictures, so Dank has had a camera in his face all the time. Before I knew it, he started posing for each picture. He's goofy and the most loving dog. It's a shame pitbulls get such a bad name but over the years he's changed peoples' perspective on pitbulls.
One thing I wish people would understand is that any dog could be good even pitbulls. It's all in the way you train them, Dank is proof of that. He might look mean but never judge a book by its cover.The only attacking he's doing is with slobbery kisses!
When I first got Dank, I had not planning on getting a dog, but I was driving and this guy was holding Dank up like Simba (from "The Lion King"). When I saw him I just fell in love. I almost got in a car accident because I had to slam on my brakes and make a sharp turn. The guy tried showing me his brothers and sisters but I said. "No thanks, I want him." I just knew I wanted him so I got him and never let him go. The unique part is it was Valentine's Day and he had a heart-shaped spot on his neck and to this day still has a heart on his neck. I couldn't believe it - a perfect heart on his neck on Valentine's Day.
Dank is a goofy and sometimes his brain works faster then his body; he's alway tripping and stumbling over himself, just a funny little guy. He is very affectionate, every morning when my husband leaves for work he'll get up and come snuggle me. If I'm sad he just knows, and will lay on me and kiss me till I start laughing. When it comes to other people, he reads me and knows if I don't like someone or trust someone he won't let them touch him. He'll sit right in front of me to protect me. When I had my daughter, he protected her right away but he was a little jealous of her. Not any more, though, she loves him and he loves her. Sometimes I trip over him because he follows me every where. I just know he loves me unconditionally, it's awesome.
As tricks go he knows the basics; sit, lay, stay, paw he also crawls, rolls over, and the goofiest trick has to be when I put a treat on his nose, and tell him to stay, wait and get it! But he doesn't get it, he keeps the treat on his nose until I push his nose! I call it his push start button. Dank loves to go to the lake and catch sticks and brings them back, loves camping and playing in the snow. I would have to say snow is his favorite; he looks like a deer galloping in the snow. He also like "getting kitty," he'll chase her around the house but once he gets her she punks him out. There's nothing cuter than a tiny cat beating up a big pitbull for fun. Whenever we go for a ride, he howls like crazy to the point that all of us are howling with him, he's just so cute when he howls.
I could talk about my baby boy all day and fill up 10 pages but thats just the basics of Dank. I couldn't imagine my life with out him. It has been the best seven years having him. He's my handsome little man, I hope you like his story and photos the way I do.