Name: |
Age: |
Four years old
Gender: |
Male |
Breed: |
Home: |
Virginia, USA |
This is Edgar Allan Pug. His previous living situations were bad (he has been adopted five times now, the other four adopting him as a fashion accessory) and while I did not ever see myself having two dogs in my small home I decided to suck up the space loss and adopt him in. Personally I have never considered a pug, I did not even like them at the time. But I could not simply sit by idly while he was given to someone else who may just pass him on after his snorting got on to them (trust me he is the king of snorting). So I took him in and do not plan to ever give him up.
At first his breathing and snorting was ungodly loud (he came from a house full of smokers and "other" item users). His fur was falling out in clumps, he was filthy and underweight and had been out of his kennel a total of 300 hours in his first year of being with his previous family and even then I witnessed him being ignored, shoved and screamed at just for sitting beside them. Why? Because he snorts.
When I picked him up he was so happy to get into the car and had his head out the window the entire ride.
When he came home, on the other hand, he just sat in the floor. He would not approach anyone. When he did he would sit beside you and gently as if someone had laid a feather on your lap, andrest his chin on your leg. Then he would proceed to hold his breath ... so he would not snort.
It has been a few months now. His breathing is back to normal, his fur is all returned, his weight is healthy, he is never in the kennel more then a hour (store runs mostly), he goes for two walks ever day and he cuddles, right in your lap, as close to you as can be.
Edgar has more personality then I have ever seen in a dog. He is a complete sweetheart with a sassy side and would love nothing more then to spend all day snuggled up on your lap or trying to convince you to give him all of your broccoli. Heaven forbid you eat it all without giving him any. He goes from being the ultimate "snuggle-pug" to a sassy diva in a split second. As soon as he hops off of your lap, he is gone down the hall throwing his hips and snorting grumpily the entire way. You can ignore him for a short time but he will intentionally hunt you down to make sure you see his fit, and if that does not work he will stop everything and pout for hours. The only way to pull him out of it is to either give into his demands or offer to take him for a walk.
It is on the walk that he shows his odd little trick ... You see, he likes to do hand stands. Usually it starts out with him hiking his leg up like a regular male dog tends to do. But, before you know it both of his back legs are up off the ground, he has finished his business and is already headed back on his way all while still doing his little handstand. We have been working on a few other tricks (paw, roll over and a few other basics) but I do not think anything can top his walking handstands.
His toys and games on the other hand was a stroke of random luck. It took me quite some time to get him to even engage in treat taking as he insisted on staying in his kennel most days even with the door open. The only thing that he came with besides that was a old blanket. Even then the blanket was so old and so under managed that it practically fell apart the first time I put it in the wash. Not wanting to throw away the only thing he really had in his life that was consistent I decided to search the internet to try to find something to do with it even if it meant I was going to have to hang it up somewhere. At least he would be able to see it. Luckily, that was not the case as I came across a DIY for a dog rope toy using old shirts. Following the instructions I managed to make him a pull toy out of his old blanket. He took to it instantly. In fact, it was that toy that helped me get him out of his kennel for the first time. Now he never misses a game of tug rope and will even come darting across the yard for a chance to play.
So please, people. If you are considering getting a pet please get it as a companion and not a fashion accessory. These animals are not for you to carry around in a bag, make cute videos with, and flaunt around for you to just go home and put in a little box until you are ready to use them again. If that is what you want then please do the world a favor and get a stuffed animal...