Dog of the Day
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Dog of the Day
Today's Dog of the Day
Cloud the Dalamatian/Husky mix, the Dog of the Day
Name: Cloud Sypher
Age: Three and a half years old
Gender: Male Breed: Dalamatian/Husky mix
Home: USA
   Cloud came to us through a local Pet Rescue. From the beginning he was different than any other fur baby I have had. You know how every family has that bossy older cousin/sibling who can't wait to tell the younger ones to stop horsing around, or tattle to the adult "look what so-n-so did!!" He has a very serious nature. The only exception to this is when we go to the parks. For him, there is nothing like running free for as long as we will let him. That is when he lets hair down! No matter where we go or what we are doing Cloud is up for any adventure! He loves camping trips to the river where he can go swimming and chew up pine cones.

     He has never spent much time around smaller children as my boys were teenagers when we adopted Cloud. My son now has a four-year-old stepdaughter who has Cloud wrapped around her little finger. I was concerned with his serious nature when she began coming to my home. Little did I know he would crumble before her. When she comes in the door he will flip flop to the floor belly up, waiting for rubs.

     Among his tricks repertoire, he enjoys games of hide and seek with my youngest son, but also gives paw, stands on two feet, and many others. We all love him very much.

     In my house we never do things halfway or alone. So after we went and adopted him as a family, while driving home we were brainstorming for a name. It turned out easy enough, he had these really pretty eyes that reminded us of the clouds so we chose Cloud. Then the Sypher is simply because we love gaming and we game together. Cloud Sypher had a very nice ring to it and there ya have it =)!

     He also is rather bossy and insistent not that it is surprising given his serious nature, but one of the things I love about him is when he decides to give you love and attention. If you are sick, sad, or just chilling he will come up and put his cold wet nose on you almost headbutting your arm or leg. Then if you ask him what he is doing or what he wants he will crawl up on to your lap if you allow him, but otherwise he wants you to scratch between his ears and talk to him, in a usually in a baby voice. Once he feels that is enough he will simply walk away!

Cloud the Dalamatian/Husky mix, the Dog of the Day Cloud the Dalamatian/Husky mix, the Dog of the Day Cloud the Dalamatian/Husky mix, the Dog of the Day Cloud the Dalamatian/Husky mix, the Dog of the Day Cloud the Dalamatian/Husky mix, the Dog of the Day Cloud the Dalamatian/Husky mix, the Dog of the Day Cloud the Dalamatian/Husky mix, the Dog of the Day Cloud the Dalamatian/Husky mix, the Dog of the Day

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