Dog of the Day
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Dog of the Day
Today's Dog of the Day
Garrus the Golden Retriever, Great Pyrenees, Labrador mix, the Dog of the Day
Name: Garrus
Age: Two years old
Gender: Male Breed: Golden Retriever, Great Pyrenees, Labrador
Home: Omaha, Nebraska, USA
   Garrus was a dog no one wanted because he had extra toes on his back feet, so his breeder said. His breeder stated his mom was a Golden and dad was Labrador and he naturally looked like the mix of the two. To me he was the perfect dirty ball of fluff that he was and brought him home, extra toes and all. After a much needed bath and food, he was perfect to surprise my husband. We ponder on his name for awhile when we decided to name him after our favorite character from a video game, Mass Effect. Little did we know he was going to live up to that name.

     After a few months of owning Garrus, he began to grow much larger than normal for the breeds we thought he was, so we had his DNA tested and the results is what filled in the blanks on his extra toes and size. It said he is half Golden Retriever, and 1/4 Great Pyrenees, and 1/4 Labrador. It also filed in the blanks on his fondness to protect and be a guardian to every little thing that came across his path.

     For the past two years Garrus has rescued run-away pets and strays. He has saved and guarded wild baby bunnies from cats, kept baby birds that fell from nest warm until they could be put back in nest and most of all he has been my greatest companion.

     The photos with him with wild bunnies were taken after he chased off a cat that tried to kill them. He endured shocks from his underground fence to keep that cat way and he stayed with the babies, gave them baths and watched as they played around him until their mother returned, then he left them cleaned and unharmed.

     Some other photos are from a time I let Garrus outside to go potty and this time he came back with a rope hanging out the side of his mouth, or so I thought it was just rope. As he came to me I noticed his mouth was not shut, but was holding something that is attached to the rope very gently. As soon as I put my hand out he opened his mouth and pretty much handed it over to me with major concern on his face. It was a finch that had a wounded leg due to a rope tied around it.

     With a little cutting, I removed the rope, the whole time Garrus was watching. The poor bird has pretty much lost its one back toe due to part of the ropes small string cutting off circulation. I did the best I could and cleaned the wounds. I let the bird stay in my house under Garrus protection for 20 minutes to see if the leg would move after removing rope. The bird seemed content with Garrus, even hugging up next to his chest at times, but never flying away. After 20 minutes I picked the bird up, and she was able to grab onto my fingers. So knowing she was okay, I took her outside and once there I put my hand away from me, and she took off!

     Theses are just two of so many stories to Garrus' life ,and we have so many more adventures to have and share. We love him very, very much.

Garrus the Golden Retriever, Great Pyrenees, Labrador mix, the Dog of the Day Garrus the Golden Retriever, Great Pyrenees, Labrador mix, the Dog of the Day Garrus the Golden Retriever, Great Pyrenees, Labrador mix, the Dog of the Day Garrus the Golden Retriever, Great Pyrenees, Labrador mix, the Dog of the Day Garrus the Golden Retriever, Great Pyrenees, Labrador mix, the Dog of the Day

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