Name: |
Age: |
Six years old
Gender: |
Female |
Breed: |
Home: |
Flagstaff, Arizona, USA |
We call Magic our super model because of her long shapely legs, svelte waist and lovely face. Perpetually happy and enthusiastic, Magic is always ready to play tug, go for a hike, retrieve sticks or wrestle with her brother Sparky. She is ecstatic with joy whenever she has the opportunity to swim in mountain ponds, swimming pools or in a lake during vacations in Canada. Magic will actually go out of her way to jump off a four-foot high diving board rather than walk into the lake from its shore - you can see her video. At the end of the day she's ready to cuddle and considers our bed to be hers.
Magic is not just a party girl. She is well educated, having earned her AKC Canine Good Citizen Certificate and is training at an advanced level in dog agility classes.
When Magic was two years old, we adopted her from the Humane Society of Southern Arizona. For her first two years, she had spent most of her time in a crate, and was fed only table scraps. She was skinny, with no muscle tone. Even short walks tired her out. Magic was very timid. We made regular visits to dog parks, attended agility classes, and with lots of love slowly built her confidence. The Humane Society told us she was a mixed breed but after knowing her for a while we realized that she is the one and only dog of a very rare breed we call the "American Woo-Woo." This is because she often will approach us, bow down on her front legs and in a very clear, almost human-sounding voice say "woo-woo." It's incredible cute!
My husband and I were truly lucky to find Magic and she is my doggie soul mate.