Name: |
Age: |
Four and a half years old
Gender: |
Male |
Breed: |
Wire Fox Terrier
Home: |
Toronto, Ontario, Canada |
Duchamp is our first terrier and dog but I was obsessed with wire fox terriers for many years - for their beauty, peppiness, and yes, for their personality too. We lead busy lives and while we always wanted a dog, we decided to get one when our lives settled a bit. In 2013, my husband was going to move to New York for a year to further his studies, and I decided to remain in Toronto because I had a great new job. I knew that this was the moment and called all of the wire fox terrier breeders in Ontario. Within a month, we had Duchamp.
Duchamp is a fantastic dog. He wants to be part of the action and follows us from room to room throughout the house, often towing a toy and hoping we will play tug of war with him. This game is one of his life's passions. The others are food, and snuggles. As for tricks, the list is limited (sit, stay, touch, down) and he only performs with treats. We think he has a strong sense of limited hearing and so much personality (which often manifest in stubbornness).
Duchamp is an affectionate dog. He particularly loves my husband, and often climbs into his lap and welcomes him home with kisses. Most mornings, I wake with him beside me in bed. I have been told he does not have the typical wire fox terrier temperament. I describe him as living the highs and low of life, he can be moppy then puppy-like, affectionate then aloof. But most of all, he loves our baby daughter and is the sweetest to her. He sits next to her when she plays and showers her with kisses when I'm not looking. She gently manhandles him and he takes it all. There was no transition period after her arrival and he welcomed her into the pack immediately. We love Duchamp, and could not imagine life without him now.