Dog of the Day
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Dog of the Day
Today's Dog of the Day
Stanley the Pomeranian, the Dog of the Day
Name: Stanley
Age: Six years old
Gender: Male Breed: Pomeranian
Home: St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada
   This is Stanley, my Pomeranian who is six years old. We had a tough year this year because we lost his Mom ,Trace. I have never seen a animal mourns the way he did. Now he is coming back to normal. I call him the devil dog. If he can get into trouble this boy will.

     My daughter bought him when she was in University and I ended up with him. I did all his pee training so he will do it on command. When I took him to the vet he told me these guys need to be socialized because they can be mean otherwise, so what did I do but oversocialized him. Everyone is his buddy (skunks included). I was hit by a car so my knee is not right and he cuddles with me when he knows I am in pain. The picture you see of him kissing his mother is my favorite. Every morning and night they would kiss each other. That's why we both took her loss so hard. His registered name is "Stan the Man" and he sure is.

Stanley the Pomeranian, the Dog of the Day Stanley the Pomeranian, the Dog of the Day Stanley the Pomeranian, the Dog of the Day

Talk about Stanley in Pet Talk!

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