Name: |
Age: |
Eight months old
Gender: |
Male |
Breed: |
Home: |
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada |
This is Koda. He was originally named Teddy Bear. He was rescued along with his mother and littermates out of northern BC. His mother was chained up and all the animals were in the last stages of starvation when they were found. Teddy was the last to offered for adoption because the rescue didn't think he would make it as they had a hard time getting him to eat. I had been looking for a youngish pup to adopt into our home as a companion for our present dog, Misty, and to add to our family. As we also had a fairly new kitten as well, we felt we had to adopt a fairly young pup so they would all get along.
I had been searching Petfinders for weeks but every time I found one that might have worked out, they had already been adopted. I had been doing some cleaning when all of a sudden, I had an urge to check to ads again and there he was. I called the rescue to see if he was still available and the picture had only been on the site for less than an hour. I talked to Yvonne for quite some time about what we were looking for and what our homelife was like and she told me we were just what she was looking for for him and I sent the application off. Yvonne had to schedule a home visit for us because we were some 500 miles away from were the rescue was, but ended up finding it almost impossible as we resided on First Nations land and the people she had to do the visits weren't permitted on the reserve. I was in fairly close contact with Yvonne the whole time and gave her a couple of people's names I knew personally who could vouch for my family.
I had absoultely fallen in love with the picture of Teddy Bear (the small one). I printed off the picture along with the write-up on him and carried it with me EVERYWHERE showing it to whomever would look at it and telling them the story. While I was visiting the local SPCA, I got talking to one of the workers there and told her the story and showed her the picture. I know she must have thought of me as a crazy lady, carrying this picture around, but I couldn't help it. I finally called Yvonee again from Reno, while I was working as a bus driver, and she told me Teddy was MINE!!! She also told me that part of her decision was based on the fact that she had gotten a phone call from the woman at the SPCA telling her about how I was running around with this picture. We made arrangements to have Teddy flown down to us on November 1, because I didn't want him being scared by Halloween. On the way back to Canada, I told my passengers on my bus about Teddy and decide to have a "puppy naming contest". I wasn't really sure if I would find a name but I thought it would be fun. As it turned out, that is how I got the name "Koda". Koda was accepted by Misty and Bailey (the kitten) right from the first moment he arrived. The threeof them are best friends like nothing I have ever seen before. I have never in my life adopted an animal from a picture, but with everything that happened and went wrong, it's like Koda was meant to be in our home and family. It was fate. That is why Koda is so special to us.