Dog of the Day
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Dog of the Day
Today's Dog of the Day
Josie, the Dog of the Day
Name: Josie
Age: Six months old
Gender: Female Breed: Beagle
Home: Tallahassee, Florida, USA
   I would like to introduce Josie, my full-bred lovely dog. She is a six-month-old beagle puppy. I have always loved dogs so when I got Josie I was the happiest you will ever see me! My family and I have had her since she was 11 weeks old. We got her from a beagle breeder in north Florida. When I went to make sure Josie was right for me, Josie came right up and licked me then I knew she was the perfect dog. Josie has a mind of her own, but is very friendly. Josie is absolutely perfect from her muzzle down to the tip of her always wagging tail. Josie and I have had our good, hard, and the best times together. Josie and I are meant for each other. She lets me know that I am not alone. She makes my life better every day.

    About five weeks ago Josie was spayed. When she had finished her surgery and was ready to go home, the vet said that they would like for her to wear the " donut " which is really just a small blow up collar, so that she would not chew her stitches out. The next day I came home and Josie had torn out one of her stitches. We had to go back to the vet so she could be checked out. The vet said that she would need to have staples put into her tummy (where her stitches were). I can't even tell you how hard it was to hear crying from the lobby. She was fine after that, thankfully.

    Josie learns tricks so fast! A few tricks she knows are sit, down, spin, leave it, and come. She also knows how to open doors, which isn't that good when another member of the family is trying to sleep. It's so funny to watch her spin in circles around and around for a couple of minutes. She also can indicate when she wants to go outside.

    Josie can tell when I'm sad or worried. On the weekends when Josie wants to take a nap the first spot she finds is my lap! Josie will chew up a toy to pieces in minutes. Once we gave her 3 toys before we left for the day, and when we came home she had destroyed one of the toys to stuffing, plastic and bits of the "head". Josie will play with a plastic bottle for about 1 hour, but she would much rather be lying down in the sun outside for 5 hours (like we would ever let her do that). Josie's a beagle like I said before so when she gets out it's really scary because she could chase a bunny or squirrel to who knows where. One thing that makes Josie special is that she listens when I talk with her. Without Josie I don't know what I would do. I love her and could not do without her!

Josie, the Dog of the Day

Talk about today's dog in Pet Talk!

Alita the German Shepherd Molly the British Labrador Retriever Socke the Dog Akira the Australian Shepherd Dodger the Redbone Coonhound, Labrador Nadia the Boxer, Lab mix Blue the American Staffordshire Terrier Carly the Shih Tzu, Poodle
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