Dog of the Day
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Dog of the Day
Today's Dog of the Day
Dengo, the Dog of the Day
Name: Dengo
Age: Nine months old
Gender: Male Breed: Rottweiler
Home: Santa Catarina, Brazil
   My dog is special because he is a Rottweiler with so much love to give and receive. He is so lovely - and needy. Every time I come to home, he comes to me and lies on my feet searching for affection. Dengo is so needy for affection, he cries a lot and after he gets it, he comes to play with me or anybody else in my home. Dengo does his play bow to celebrate and plays a lot.

    He loves gnawing pieces of wood. I cannot stop him! We take it from him but, after a few seconds, he goes to pick another one, and we end up taking the pieces and put in garbage, and he will continue with rocks, bricks... Well, everything he sees, he comes and takes it! He is Dengo very strong. He carries the bricks, the big pieces of wood, the rocks, all with ease. When he runs, it can be almost scary! He runs faster than anybody else. And he is smart, he knows how to sit, stay, give his paw, lie.

    But, despite the mess, Dengo shows that Rottweilers are amazing dogs, very playful, so affectionate and jealous at the same time, and he is also a real guardian. Dengo follows my family and I everywhere around my home. He sleeps a little bit and always does so in my doorway. If it were up to him, my family would be in the garden, 24 hours per day, to play with him and give him attention! Dengo always, always turns his belly up, to receive affection and belly rubs. His name "Dengo" started because of these things. So lovely!

    He is very friendly and brave, at the same time! That's a Rottweiler. But, he needs to learn to share his affection and bravery with another people and, who knows, other pets too! I'd like to have another pet, female friend for him. He loves to come close to me with his bone toy (dog biscuit), and will drop it near my leg to get me to play with him. He always warns us and calls to play and celebrate with him. He can be dominant, typical of male Rotties, his tail is often raised.

    Ops, I almost forgot: my dog loves music! What's incredible is that he prefers not any music, but old music it seems. Well, when he hears louder music from the cars in the street, he doesn't like it. He barks a lot and grunts, snorts a lot too. I think it's because it is too loud. But, I think Rottweilers should enjoy Beethoven, Bach, anything classical, German who knows, or Rammstein! I need to introduce him to classical music, because he seems to like the quieter kind anyway!

Dengo, the Dog of the Day
See more images of Dengo!
Dengo, the Dog of the Day
Dengo, the Dog of the Day
Dengo, the Dog of the Day
Dengo, the Dog of the Day
Dengo, the Dog of the Day
Dengo, the Dog of the Day

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