Dog of the Day
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Dog of the Day
Today's Dog of the Day
Nino the Border Collie mix, the Dog of the Day
Name: Nino
Age: Six years old
Gender: Male Breed: Border Collie mix
Home: Buenos Aires, Argentina
   One very rainy day, my boyfriend and I found Nino on the street. He was just a newborn puppy, no sign of his owner or dog mother nearby. With a lot of care and many visits to vet later, he was able to recover and became a healthy dog. He is obviously a Border Collie mix, but we have no idea with what, though some other breed must contribute to his marvelously fluffy tail!

     We cannot imagine a day of our lives without Nino now. He is such a charming and funny dog, he is almost a person. His loyalty and intelligence make him our best friend. We love him very much.

Nino the Border Collie mix, the Dog of the Day Nino the Border Collie mix, the Dog of the Day Nino the Border Collie mix, the Dog of the Day Nino the Border Collie mix, the Dog of the Day

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