Dog of the Day
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Dog of the Day
Today's Dog of the Day
Nahla, the Dog of the Day
Name: Nahla
Age: Eleven months old
Gender: Female Breed: Akita, German Shepherd, Siberian Husky
Home: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
   This is my precious little girl Nahla, I also call her LaLa. She is a very highly intelligent, sweet, affectionate, playful and sensitive puppy who makes each day such a joy. I have a kitty named Flaffy, and although he means the world to me, I have always wanted a puppy but never had one. I have always been a self-proclaimed "Cat Person" and since I am an animal lover I knew that being a dog owner would be right up my alley. I just had no idea that I would love a dog as much as I love my kitty Flaffy but I love both my kitty and puppy equally. She gets along so well and is so sweet to my li'l Flaffy ... I often catch them giving each other kisses, nuzzling each other, cuddling and sleeping next to each other. She is protective of her brother, where she would stand in front of him to guard him when people walk by the backyard. They are such a cute sibling pair.

    When I was looking for a puppy, I knew I wanted a large breed dog that I can share my outdoorsy active lifestyle with. I really like German Shepherds and Huskies and had a hard time choosing between the two breeds. I looked at a few puppies and although they were all cute, Nahla was special. When I first saw her, she was such a sweet playful doll and when I picked her up she nuzzled right into my chest by my heart. I knew right then that she had chosen me as her Mama and she was going to be my little girl.

    Nahla's birth mother is pure Akita and her birth father is half King German Shepherd and half Siberian Husky. She is exactly the perfect mix of the breeds I was interested in, as well as Akita. She is absolutely perfect.

    LaLa went to puppy school and was called a show off because she is such a smart little girl and she picked up on all the training so fast. Needless to say my li'l girl graduated with flying colors!

    Having LaLa in my life has been such a blessing for me and I cannot even imagine my life without her. She is everything and more that I could ever want in a puppy. She loves her tug-of-war toys, her squeaky toys and her balls. Her favorite places to go are walks to and from the lake where she loves to swim and her ultimate favorite place to go is the dog park where Nahla has many friends to play with, lush forested areas to explore and creeks to swim in. I sing to her: Lets go walk walk La, walk walk La, walk walk LaLa walk my La. Then she gets excited and she sings/howls because she knows it's walk walk time...every day. I also have neighborhood friends who come by with or drop off their dogs to play with LaLa in my back yard.

    Nahla loves to eat meats, veggies and fruits and I always make sure to check on what is or is not okay to feed her. If I am eating something that is also good for her and she wants it...she will get half of it...after all she is my lil girl. I mix fresh food with her kibble so that she gets "real" food as well as the well balanced kibble nutrition.

    Nahla is not much of a barker; she will only bark to alert that someone is approaching the house and she also talks and howls on command. She knows how to say: YES, OH, OH YES and my favorite thing she says is: I LOVE YOU, she also likes to sing in puppy talk.

    Whenever Nahla hears a song that has "La La..." in it she thinks that the song is calling/about her since I also call her LaLa. She perks right up and does her curious and cute head tilts. Her nickname is also squirrel.

    Nahla's song that I sing to her is:
      I love you my Nahla girl, Mama loves her LaLa squirrel
      I love you my La La
      My La La La La La.

   Mama loves you sooo much Nahla! <3

Nahla, the Dog of the Day
See more images of Nahla!
Nahla, the Dog of the Day
Nahla, the Dog of the Day
Nahla, the Dog of the Day
Nahla, the Dog of the Day
Nahla, the Dog of the Day
Nahla, the Dog of the Day

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