Dog of the Day
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Dog of the Day
Today's Dog of the Day
Athena, the Dog of the Day
Name: Athena
Age: Three and a half months old
Gender: Female Breed: Husky mix
Home: Kentucky, USA
   This beautiful little girl is Athena. My Husky, German Shepherd, and Staffordshire terrier mix. Athena came into my life soon after the loss of my previous dog, a Beagle/ Pointer mix, Zoey, who passed away from Kidney Failure in April. We found Athena in a parking lot with her eight brothers, and one sister. Like Zoey before her, Athena is learning quickly that she is going to see all kinds of sights. We travel a lot, seeing the natural beauties of Kentucky and soon, Tennessee, once she is old enough to keep up on hikes in the Smokey Mountains.

    Out of all of her siblings, Athena called to me the most. There is this charm about her that just draws people in. Maybe it is her two colored eyes, her coat, her gentle nature, or maybe it is just a case of "puppy love". What ever it is though, people flock to her, and boy does she love the attention. I can't go anywhere without people coming up to me and giving her a heavy dose of love. She isn't an attention whore, but she doesn't complain when she is getting the attention.

    Don't let the age fool you either. This pup is smart, at eight weeks, she knew "Sit" and "Stay", at ten weeks she knew "Leave it", "Come", and "Shake". Now at three and a half months, she knows "Speak" and in the process of learning how to balance objects on her nose. I didn't need to teach her how to fetch or even potty train her. When I got her when she was six weeks old, she already knew to bring her toys to me, and to potty outside.

    Her best friend, is my mother's eight-year-old Jack Russell Terrier, Diamond. Who she will harass until Diamond plays with her. Making her chase after her all around the yard, beach, woods, or where ever we may be. When Diamond comes to visit, Athena is nothing but tails wags happy energy. While Athena can't quite keep up with Diamond yet. She is growing quickly, and every day she gets just a little bit quicker. I fear soon that Diamond will be the one chasing after Athena, and not the other way around. When Diamond isn't around, Athena plays tag with my two cats.

    All in all, I am very happy that Athena came into my life. She has helped me more than she realizes. When ever we can, we go to visit Zoey's grave on my father's property. I like to think that there is just a little bit of Zoey in her, as her way of watching over me, even though she has passed on.

Athena, the Dog of the Day
See more images of Athena!
Athena, the Dog of the Day
Athena, the Dog of the Day
Athena, the Dog of the Day

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