Dog of the Day
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Dog of the Day
Today's Dog of the Day
Snickers, the Dog of the Day
Name: Snickers
Age: Twenty months old
Gender: Male Breed: Tibetan Spaniel
Home: North Carolina, USA
   Snickers is a Tibetan Spaniel who captures the heart of everyone he meets. He's such a happy boy who always looks like he's laughing or smiling. He loves to go for walks and rings the jingle bell on the doorknob when he's ready to venture out. When he does go for a walk, his "brother" the Ragdoll cat is usually in tow, which gets lots of looks, as you can imagine. We've even had people stop and take a picture of Snickers and his "security detail," our new reference for our kitty who toddles along behind Snickers. They're a great little pair.

    Though a fairly uncommon breed, we decided on a Tibetan Spaniel because they're very intelligent and also very affectionate and loving, and are known for getting along with other animals. They're described as being part dog, part cat, and part monkey, as they like to sit on a perch up above and survey their domain. They're a magical breed and have been described as being like potato chips - you can't have just one.

    Snickers loves to play fetch with his toy chipmunk and play tug with his favorite rope. Most of all, he just wants to spend time with his humans, and we are more than happy to oblige.

Snickers, the Dog of the Day
See more images of Snickers!
Snickers, the Dog of the Day
Snickers, the Dog of the Day
Snickers, the Dog of the Day

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Charley the Miniature Schnauzer, Poodle Katy the Labrador Retriever mix Louie the Pug Maui the White German Shepherd Dodger the Australian Shepherd Emily the Miniature Schnauzer mix Baby Bear the Pitbull Rudy the Labrador Retriever
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