Dog of the Day
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Dog of the Day
Today's Dog of the Day
Cody, the Dog of the Day
Name: Cody
Age: One year old
Gender: Male Breed: Golden Retriever
Home: Detroit, Michigan, USA
   This is our darling Cody. Cody is my first dog and truly awesome. We really lucked out when we got him. He was easy to house break, does not bark much and is great with kids. He always comes when we shout his name and seems to love our company, he even wants to sleep in our bed with us. He is also very affectionate and wants to be petted a lot. The only problem with him is that he pulls the leash when we walk him - but nobody is perfect, right?

    His favorite game is tug of war with his favorite rope, and also, of course, to play with other dogs. His best friend is a mutt named Barkley. They always have a blast together. Cody loves to swim and during the summer months, he spends more time in the pool than anywhere else. He probably thinks he is a fish. Another favorite is car rides - he loves to ride the car and to stick his head out through the window. Cody is also very brave and got a diploma from the vet when he got fixed, because he was so calm and brave the whole time. Cody is a wonderful dog and we love him very much.

Cody, the Dog of the Day
See more images of Cody!
Cody, the Dog of the Day
Cody, the Dog of the Day
Cody, the Dog of the Day

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