Dog of the Day
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Dog of the Day
Today's Dog of the Day
Topsi, the Dog of the Day
Name: Topsi
Age: Five years old
Gender: Female Breed: Dog
Home: Norway
   Topsi is the family dog, so she belongs to everyone, not just me. She's the kindest dog, and we got because the house felt empty without any animals. I have since gotten guinea pigs, too. She loves the guinea pigs and is really careful around them. It is sweet because she is so much bigger, but doesn't want to risk hurting them it seems.

    Topsi is a good dog, and very obedient. She knows sit, high five and lay down. And when we give her food she is always waiting to hear that she is allowed to take it before she eats. We all love Topsi.

Talk about today's dog in Pet Talk!

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