Name: |
Age: |
Five years old
Gender: |
Female |
Breed: |
Siberian Husky
Home: |
Tylertown, Mississippi, USA |
Langley is the combined definitions of the words joy and happy! She is a
complete joy to her family and the happiest dog I've ever known. If
anyone asks her breed, we reply, "Spoiled Rotten Husky!" She is also
quite the intelligent girl! Langley came into our lives as a stray
adolescent, rambunctious with a propensity to wet the floor if she was
scolded, greeted, smiled at, waved to, or if you simply looked her way.
That habit was broken, thankfully, early on.
She loves tennis balls, socks (dirty ones, especially), rawhide bones,
and running full out! Her characteristics our certainly directly tied to
her breed, as she is quick minded, fast on her feet, and has a husky
tantrum at least twice a day. Langley has an extensive vocabulary and
follows several commands. She is a wonderful sister to four cats and two
birds, making sure they are fed and watered and behaving themselves.
Sometimes it seems Langley thinks she is a cat. She lies across the back
of the couch, curls into a circle to sleep, and chases anything from
strings to feet.
Langley can have full conversations about food, going outside, going to
her grandmother's house, and going for walks and rides. She enjoys
watching videos of other huskies and can say, "I love you" and "I love
you more"! Her favorite videos are of those we make of her!
Our lives are enriched by having such a special girl and we look forward
to many adventures ahead.
