Name: |
Age: |
Twelve years old
Gender: |
Female |
Breed: |
Cairn Terrier mix
Home: |
Newnan, Georgia, USA |
I found Thumper literally playing in the highway in southwest Georgia on my return from a business conference in 2006. I was headed west on highway 82 when I saw a mess of black hair trotting across the highway. I pulled over and the little flea-ridden mutt jumped right into my car with no fear. I knocked on several doors to ask if she belonged to anyone. All the locals could say was that "somebody must have dumped her." She was so covered in filth and fleas I wouldn't let her touch the floor in my home and walked her straight to the tub. After vetting, spaying, and general clean up, I found a home for her but by then she had suckered my husband and she never left. Her name comes from the fact that when we would enter the living room you could hear her tail thumping on the couch.
We are grateful we made that decision, she has filled our home with so much entertainment. She chases the vacuum cleaner, races with the larger dogs (she alays loses). dances on her back feet, and loves to ride in the car.
One always knows where she is by listening for the sounds of her tail. It goes "thump, thump, thump ... thump, thump, thump" as it beats against the floor, coffee table, back door, couch, a foot. It never stops; it never rests; it just keeps going thump, thump, thump ... thump, thump, thump!
She is quite the diva; it's her world, we just live in it. She was Miss December for a calendar to benefit a local animal shelter in 2009. In 2014 she got her own commercial. (Link Below.) Her resemblance to Toto from the Wizard of Oz rarely goes unnoticed and she loves all the attention especially if there are treats involved.
Earlier this year she began having grand mal seizures. Because of the seizures, rapidly becoming blind, and significant changes in behavior it's been determined that she most likely has a brain tumor. Her personality has changed but we love her and will continue to care for her.
Here is Thumper's Commercial.