Name: |
Age: |
Ten months old
Gender: |
Female |
Breed: |
Toy Fox Terrier, Jack Russell Terrier mix
Home: |
Kapuskasing, Ontario, Canada |
isabella - Bella for short - is a ten-month-old pup, she is full of spirit for her young age, like most dogs. She has already been through a lot in her short life, she has a skin condition (demodectic mange) that means she loses her fur in some areas, and right now her skin is falling off near her eyes, and her fur is finally coming back by her ears.
What makes her so special is that she does not let this get her down at all. She is like a little rabbit, she runs so fast and over jumps things like the door frame on the ground, she also walks funny. When she walks she doesn't bend her front legs - she prances like a pony with straight legs. What makes her even more special is she's a very photogenic dog, she either looks away from you or looks straight at you when you have a camera in hand like she is posing. For her size she can also jump very high - like five times her height.
She only knows one trick and that's to howl when we say "What do you want" to her with a treat in hand. The funny thing is she doesn't eat anything but dog food, so "treats" are just a piece of dog food! She doesn't really have many games but playing with mine and my mom's hair, and growling at me or mom when we join them on the couch. She attacks my dad's hand if we get too close, its funny. We all love her very much.