Dog of the Day
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Dog of the Day
Today's Dog of the Day
Ariat, the Dog of the Day
Name: Ariat
Age: Two years old
Gender: Female Breed: Beagle, Basset Hound mix
Home: Ohio, USA
   Ariat was rescued by my husband and I at four months old. I was looking for my lost Chi/Beagle Harley at the pound and had no luck. I walked past her kennel and she started whining and barking at me. I stopped and started crying. I knew she had to come home with me. The pound operators got her out for me and she immediately jumped on me and licked my chin. My husband didn't get paid until the next day so we were allowed to put a 24 hour hold on her. The next morning we picked her up and the whole ride home she laid her head on my lap. I have never met a dog with such a big heart. Unfortunately we never found Harley but we were lead to Ariat and we are grateful. Roscoe is not nearly as loving as Ariat but he is very near and dear to our heart as well.

    Ariat loves children, dogs, cats, horses, and any other animal she is in contact with. Children definitely love Ariat. She tries to lick them to death though. Her hobbies are sleeping, barking, running, going to the barn with Mom, giving kisses, and playing with her brother Roscoe. She is the greatest thing that has happened to us and we are so happy to have her as a part of our family.

Ariat, the Dog of the Day

Talk about today's dog in Pet Talk!

Leia the German Shepherd Dog Nicki the Miniature Australian Shepherd Cisco the Chihuahua mix Ōkami the Labrador Retriever, Siberian Husky Duchess the German Shepherd Dog Scruffy the Terrier mix Caddo the German Shepherd Dog Kamodo the Shepherd, Labrador mix
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