Dog of the Day
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Dog of the Day
Today's Dog of the Day
Teddy, the Dog of the Day
Name: Teddy
Age: Eight years old
Gender: Male Breed: Pomeranian
Home: Rochester, Massachusetts, USA
   This is Teddy, and he's Dog Lover Store's Mascot!!

    Teddy absolutely loves to play! Every evening (when he knows it's play time) he jumps up from his favorite spot on the couch and grabs his favorite toy, a rubber ice cream cone. We have a large "runway" going from the kitchen to the living room so we toss his toy and he scoots to go fetch. When he has a toy in his mouth he runs with a little side trot that is absolutely adorable. During the day he loves to sit in his favorite spot on the couch in the living room. The spot looks out a window in the front of the house where he can watch cars drive by, bikers, runners, and the family members come home.

    He is our first Pomeranian, we got him in 2006. We had a German Shepherd before him, King. Teddy is very independent - a strong-headed Pomeranian - and he is so protective over all of us. He always alerts us about strangers pulling into the driveway or animals out in the yard. We have a lot of deer, turkeys, and bunnies around our area. He has mastered "sit," at least when he is not preoccupied by his toy in front of him. He doesn't know many other tricks, besides "fetch," of course. He loves to be cuddled and loved on early in the morning and the afternoon, since he understands this is his "chill" time before he goes for an afternoon walk and gets to spend time with the family for the evening.

   We think Teddy is pretty cute!

Teddy, the Dog of the Day
See more images of Teddy!
Teddy, the Dog of the Day
Teddy, the Dog of the Day
Teddy, the Dog of the Day

Talk about Teddy in Pet Talk!

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