Name: |
Age: |
Four years old
Gender: |
Male |
Breed: |
American Stafforshire Terrier
Home: |
Bozicany, Czech Republic |
Rocky is four years old, we found him in a shelter for dogs three years ago. It was love at the first sight, his name was Rocky, and me and my husband, we love the Rocky movies, he had number 13, which was my lucky number at school and his fur is red, like my hair. He saw us and started to bark, he wanted out of the cell. When the man who owns the shelter opened the door, this sweet buddy jumped right into my arms and gave me many kisses, he wanted to cuddle so much and I knew that he had stolen my heart.
He is very intelligent and understands everything I'm saying. Sometimes I think that I am talking to a human, because when I'm talking, he looks at me and listens very carefully. When I say "I'll give you this, but first - give me a kiss" he comes and licks my face. When I'm sad, he comes around and lies with me in the bed, looking at me like he would say "Are you alright, mommy?". He is very gentle to kids and he loves to play with them. We have another dog named Sharon, and although she is a bit unfriendly to him sometimes, he lets her eat and drink for first, choose a place for rest or go into the room before him.
People still think that an AmStaff is dangerous, but he is a sweetie. He loves people and kids, he is afraid of darkness, rain and thunder. He sleeps with us in our bed, but well, people still don't understand. Sadly, he was thrown out of a car in a big Czech city in the West part of the Republic. That's when he was found and placed into the shelter. But now we gave him a home and he is like a child to me. I would never ever allow anyone to hurt him again. I would rather die by protecting him, because when I look into his eyes, which are the color of honey in the evening summer light, I feel he loves me like nobody on the earth does and I love him with the same strength back and I always will.