Dog of the Day
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Dog of the Day
Today's Dog of the Day
Pru the Dog, the Dog of the Day
Name: Pru
Age: Three years old
Gender: Female Breed: Dog
Home: Vermont, USA
   She is super caring and will love up on anyone. She also loves to play fetch with anything around! We are located in Vermont. She has hiked all the mountains in Vermont over 4000 feet.

     Pru is my first adopted dog. I have had her for two years now and she is my best friend. She comes to work with me every day. She is a fetch and water dog to the max! She plays fetch in the office for hours on end with anyone who will throw the ball. If you ignore her for more then a few minutes, she will pick the ball up and find someone else who will pay attention and throw it for her. The photo with the puppy in the green dog bed is her with her best friend Cato that lives below our apartment.

     She is super energetic when she wants to be, but can also sleep the day away if given the chance. She is a super cuddler. She will sleep in her bed at night but half an hour before I wake up she will jump in bed and cuddle before the alarm goes off. I love her very much.

Pru the Dog, the Dog of the Day Pru the Dog, the Dog of the Day Pru the Dog, the Dog of the Day Pru the Dog, the Dog of the Day

Talk about Pru in Pet Talk!

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