Name: |
Age: |
Five years old
Gender: |
Female |
Breed: |
Pembroke Welsh Corgi
Home: |
Connecticut, USA |
Stubborn and single-minded, Lucy has developed a number of tricks to get what she wants when she wants it. She sits and stares, using mental telepathy to tell me she wants that leftover pizza crust. She noses her favorite ball under various pieces of furniture to get me to play fetch. When I am not going in the direction she wants, she just sits and points her nose in the direction she wants to go. And won't move an inch until we do.
Lucy lives in an apartment attached to a girls' dormitory at a boarding school. As such, she is used to, and craves, adoring attention that usually is accompanied by "awwwww, soooo cuuuute." She accompanies me on dorm duty, eagerly hopping up and down flights of stairs; she assists with room inspections, once even locating a half-eaten cake shoved under a bed. A classic herder, she greets every human individually. I think she is counting her sheep. She loves the snow and will go out in any kind of weather. She is also an extraordinary resource finder. She will wriggle into any bush and come out with: half-eaten bagel, donut, pizza crust, part of a sandwich, a lacrosse ball (in the spring), or a carcass of some kind.
True to form, she will cross any threshold if the door is open: a student's room, an apartment, a house, a conference room (especially if a meeting is taking place), a classroom, and the Head of School's office. She is pretty intrepid except when she comes anywhere near a certain playful Siberian husky; we can't walk within about a 100-yard radius of him. Finally, she'll do anything for cheese. Or peanut butter. Or, for once, catching that dang squirrel.